Rabu, 21 September 2016


The Hawk
Once upon a time, a lonely hawk lived on a tree by the riverside. He was young and handsome but he had no friends.
One day, he saw a beautiful she-hawk sitting on a tree and wanted to marry her but the she-hawk refused to marry him, as he had no friends. “Will you marry me if I make three friends?” – he asked. She said that she definitely would.
The hawk then went looking for friends. While flying on the other bank of the river, he saw a huge tortoise. The hawk flew down to him and said, “Dear tortoise, will you be my friend and help me in my hour of need?” The tortoise agreed to become his friend and said, “Call me whenever you need me and I shall come to your side.” The hawk also promised him his help at any time.
Then he flew in search of the second friend. Soon, he came upon an osprey. The hawk went to it and asked her if she would be his friend and help him in time of his need. The osprey very gladly accepted his friendship and offered her help whenever he needed it. The hawk was glad that he had made two friends.
He went on searching for a third friend. He flew over the jungle and saw a tiger. Fearless as he was, he went near the tiger and requested him to be his friend. The tiger readily accepted his friendship and said, “From now onwards, I am your friend. Nobody will harm you. If anyone tries to harm you, call me and I will be there to help you. The hawk was very happy. He thanked the tiger
He flew back to the she-hawk and said, “I have made three friends, a tortoise, an osprey and a tiger. Will you marry me now?” The she-hawk agreed to marry him. Soon, their marriage took place. The three friends attended the hawk’s marriage.
After some-months, she-hawk gave birth to two baby hawks. The parent hawks were very happy to have cute little babies. They lived happily in their nest.
One day, two hunters came and sat under that tree. They were tired and hungry. They had not been able to hunt any animal. They decided to catch some fish. But, they couldn’t catch even a single fish.
It was getting dark and the hunters decided to spend the night under that tree. To keep themselves warm, they lit a fire. The fire soared high. The hawk-babies on the tree could not bear the heat and the smoke coming out of the fire. They started crying. The Hunters heard their cries. One of them said, ”There are birds on this tree. Let us catch them. We shall roast them on the fire and eat them.” The other one agreed. The hawks heard them and were really worried about the safety of their babies. The she-hawk suggested that they seek help from their friends.
The hawk went to the osprey and told her his problem. The osprey said, “Go home and protect your babies. I shall tackle with the hunters.” The osprey dived into the river and then flew over the fire. The water from her wet feathers fell on the fire. She repeatedly dived into the river and flew over the fire. The water from her feathers put off the fire. The hunters decided to light the fire again; however, as soon as they lit the fire, again the osprey put it off.
In the meantime, the hawk went to get help from the tortoise. When the tortoise heard about the hawk’s problem, he said to him, “Do not worry dear friend, I will be there in no time and tackle the hunters in my own way. Go and protect your family.”
The hawk flew to the tree and the tortoise reached the tree. He went quite close to where the hunters were sitting and trying to light the fire again. The hunters saw the tortoise and one of them said, “Look there is a huge tortoise. Let’s forget about the hawks and catch this tortoise.”
The other hunter agreed and said, “Let’s tear our shirts and make a rope. We shall tie its one end to the tortoise and other to our waists. Then we will pull the tortoise with all our strength.” The other hunter liked the idea. Soon, they make a rope out of their shirts. They tied one end of the rope to the tortoise’s legs. Then, trying the other end to their waist, they could not pull the tortoise. The tortoise’s strength was much greater than the two hunters were together.
The tortoise pulled the two men into the water. Once, inside the water, it was very easy for the tortoise to drag them. With great efforts, they cut the rope that was tied to their waist and swam back to the bank. They were now feeling very cold. They had lost their shirts. They thought of making a fire again.
Seeing them collecting leaves and twigs, the hawk was worried again. He flew to the forest and called his third friend, the tiger. He found the tiger at the edge of the forest. When the tiger heard the hawk’s problem, he immediately rushed towards the riverbank.
The hunter had now lighted the fire and one of them was preparing to climb the tree to get the hawk babies. Just then, the tiger reached the tree. Seeing the tiger, the hunters ran from there and never came back again.
The hawk thanked all his three friends for their kind and timely help. He also realized that it is very important to have at least a few friends. The female-hawk was very wise in advising the hawk to make friends before marrying him.
Sekali waktu, elang kesepian tinggal di pohon di tepi sungai . Dia masih muda dan tampan tapi dia tidak punya teman .
Suatu hari, ia melihat indah dia - elang duduk di pohon dan ingin menikahinya tapi dia - elang menolak untuk menikah dengannya , karena dia tidak punya teman . "Maukah kau menikah denganku jika saya melakukan tiga teman?" Ia bertanya. Elang betina menjawab bahwa dia pasti mau.
Elang kemudian pergi mencari teman-teman. Sementara terbang di tepi sungai, ia melihat kura-kura besar. Elang terbang ke arahnya dan berkata, "Ya kura-kura, Anda akan menjadi teman saya dan membantu saya dalam jam saya perlu?" Kura-kura setuju untuk menjadi temannya dan berkata, "Telepon aku kapan pun Anda membutuhkan saya dan saya akan datang ke sisimu." Elang juga berjanji kepadanya bantuannya setiap.
Kemudian terbang untuk mencari teman kedua. Segera, ia menemukan sebuah osprey . Elang pergi untuk itu dan bertanya apakah dia akan menjadi temannya dan membantunya dalam waktu kebutuhannya  The osprey sangat senang hati menerima persahabatan dan menawarinya bantuan apabila ia membutuhkannya . Elang senang bahwa ia telah membuat dua teman.
Dia melanjutkan mencari teman ketiga. Dia terbang di atas hutan dan melihat harimau. Fearless seperti dirinya, ia pergi dekat harimau dan meminta dia untuk menjadi temannya. Harimau siap menerima persahabatan dan berkata, "Mulai sekarang dan seterusnya, aku temanmu. Tak seorang pun akan merugikan mu. Jika ada yang mencoba untuk menyakiti mu, hubungi aku dan aku akan berada di sana untuk membantu mu" Elang itu sangat bahagia. Dia mengucapkan terima kasih harimau.
Elang terbang kembali menemui elang betina. Elang dan berkata, "Saya telah memiliki tiga teman, kura-kura, osprey dan harimau . Maukah kau menikah denganku sekarang?" Elang betina setuju untuk menikah dengannya. Segera, pernikahan mereka berlangsung. Tiga teman menghadiri pernikahan elang.
Setelah beberapa bulan, elang betina melahirkan dua bayi elang. Elang  sebagai orangtua sangat senang memiliki bayi kecil yang lucu . Mereka hidup bahagia dalam sarang mereka.
Suatu hari , dua pemburu datang dan duduk di bawah pohon itu. Mereka lelah dan lapar. Mereka tidak mampu berburu binatang apapun. Mereka memutuskan untuk menangkap ikan. Tapi, mereka tidak bisa menangkap bahkan seekor ikanpun.
Hari mulai gelap dan pemburu memutuskan untuk menghabiskan malam di bawah pohon itu. Untuk menjaga diri hangat, mereka menyalakan api. Api melambung tinggi. Bayi elang yang ada  di pohon tidak tahan panas dan asap yang keluar dari api. Mereka mulai menangis. Para pemburu mendengar teriakan mereka. Salah satu dari mereka berkata, "Ada burung di pohon ini. Mari kita tangkap. Kita akan memanggang mereka di atas api dan memakannya." Yang lain setuju.
Elang mendengar mereka dan benar-benar khawatir tentang keamanan bayi mereka. Elang betina menyarankan agar mereka mencari bantuan dari teman-teman mereka.
Elang pergi ke osprey dan menceritakan masalahnya. The osprey berkata, "Pulanglah dan lindungi bayi mu. Aku akan mengatasi pemburu itu."
The osprey terjun ke sungai dan kemudian terbang di atas api. Air dari bulu basah jatuh di atas api. Dia berulang kali menyelam ke sungai dan terbang di atas api. Air dari bulu nya menunda api. Para pemburu memutuskan untuk menyalakan api lagi , namun, segera setelah mereka menyalakan api, osprey menghalanginya lagi.
Sementara itu, elang pergi untuk mendapatkan bantuan dari kura-kura. Ketika kura-kura mendengar tentang masalah elang, ia berkata kepadanya, "Jangan khawatir teman, aku akan berada di sana dalam waktu singkat dan mengatasi para pemburu dengan caraku sendiri. Pergilah dan lindungi keluargamu."
Elang terbang ke pohon dan kura-kura mencapai poho. Dia pergi cukup dekat dengan tempat pemburu duduk dan mencoba untuk menyalakan api lagi. Para pemburu melihat kura-kura dan salah satu dari mereka berkata, "Lihatlah ada kura-kura besar. Mari kita lupakan tentang elang dan menangkap kura-kura ini. "
Pemburu lain setuju dan berkata, " Mari kita merobek kemeja kami dan membuat tali . Kami akan mengikat salah satu ujung untuk kura-kura dan lainnya ke pinggang kami . Kemudian kita akan menarik kura-kura dengan segala kekuatan kita . " Pemburu lainnya menyukai ide itu.
Segera, mereka membuat tali dari baju mereka. Mereka mengikat salah satu ujung tali ke kaki kura-kura. Kemudian, mencoba ujung lainnya ke pinggang mereka, mereka tidak bisa menarik kura-kura. Kekuatan kura-kura itu jauh lebih besar daripada dua pemburu. Kura-kura menarik dua orang ke dalam air. Di dalam air, sangat mudah bagi kura-kura untuk menyeret mereka. Dengan usaha yang keras, mereka memotong tali yang diikat di pinggang mereka dan berenang kembali ke tepi sungai. Mereka sekarang merasa sangat dingin. Mereka telah kehilangan baju mereka. Mereka berpikir untuk membuat api lagi. Melihat mereka mengumpulkan daun dan ranting.
 Elang khawatir lagi. Ia terbang ke hutan dan memanggil teman yang ketiga, harimau. Dia menemukan harimau di tepi hutan . Ketika harimau mendengar masalah elang, ia langsung bergegas menuju tepi sungai.
Pemburu sekarang telah menyalakan api dan salah satu dari mereka sedang mempersiapkan untuk memanjat pohon untuk mendapatkan bayi elang. Saat itu, harimau mencapai pohon . Melihat harimau, para pemburu berlari dari sana dan tidak pernah kembali lagi.
Elang mengucapkan terima kasih semua teman-temannya dan juga untuk bantuan yang tepat waktu. Dia juga menyadari bahwa sangat penting untuk memiliki setidaknya beberapa teman. Elang betina itu sangat bijaksana dalam menasihati elang untuk mencari dan mendapatkan teman-teman sebelum menikahinya.

The Synopsis of “The Hawk”
Once upon a time, a lonely hawk lived on a tree by the riverside. He was young and handsome but he had no friends.
One day, he saw a beautiful she-hawk sitting on a tree and wanted to marry her but the she-hawk refused to marry him, as he had no friends. “Will you marry me if I make three friends?” – he asked. She said that she definitely would.
The hawk then went looking for friends. While flying on the other bank of the river, he saw a huge tortoise. The hawk flew down to him and said, “Dear tortoise, will you be my friend and help me in my hour of need?” The tortoise agreed to become his friend.
Then, the hawk went to osprey and asked her if she would be his friend and help him in time of his need. The osprey very gladly accepted his friendship and offered her help whenever he needed it.
Leter he flew over the jungle and saw a tiger. Fearless as he was, he went near the tiger and requested him to be his friend. The tiger readily accepted his friendship and said, “From now on wards, I am your friend. I will be there to help you.” The hawk was very happy and thanked the tiger
He flew back to the she-hawk and said, “I have made three friends, a tortoise, an osprey and a tiger. Will you marry me now?” The she-hawk agreed to marry him. Soon, their marriage took place. The three friends attended the hawk’s marriage. After some-months, she-hawk gave birth to two baby hawks. They lived happily in their nest.
One day, two hunters came and sat under that tree. They were tired and hungry. They had not been able to hunt any animal.  It was getting dark and the hunters decided to spend the night under that tree and they lit a fire. The fire soared high. The hawk-babies on the tree could not bear the heat and the smoke coming out of the fire. They started crying. The Hunters heard their cries.and want to catch them. The hawks heard them and were really worried. The she-hawk suggested that they seek help from their friends.
The hawk went to the osprey and told her his problem. Then the osprey dived into the river and then flew over the fire. The water from her wet feathers fell on the fire. In the meantime, the hawk went to get help from the tortoise. When the tortoise heard about the hawk’s problem, he said to him, “Do not worry dear friend”. The tortoise pulled the two men into the water. Once, inside the water, it was very easy for the tortoise to drag them.
 The hawk was worried again when looked the hunters was lost. He flew to the jungle and called his third friend, the tiger. He immediately rushed towards the riverbank.
The hunter had now lighted the fire and one of them was preparing to climb the tree to get the hawk babies. Just then, the tiger reached the tree. Seeing the tiger, the hunters ran from there and never came back again.
The hawk thanked all his three friends for their kind and timely help. He also realized that it is very important to have at least a few friends. The female-hawk was very wise in advising the hawk to make friends before marrying him.
The Analysis Of the Short Story
1.      Setting
a.       Place                :  In the jungle
b.      Time                : Many years ago
c.       Social Setting  : Simple and ordinary

2.      Characters
a.       Main character:
·         Hawk              : Hard worker

b.      Supporting Character:
·         She-hawk       
·         Turtoise          
·         Osprey            
·         Tiger               
·         The hunters    
·         Babies Hawk  

3.      Plot
a.       Exposition

Hawk saw a beautiful she-hawk  and wanted to marry her but the she-hawk refused to marry him, as he had no friends. Then hawk looking for three friend (turtoise, ospray, tiger). After that hawk merried and live happily with his family.

b.      Complication

Two hunters came.They were tired and hungry. The Hunters heard the cry of babies hawk and want to catch them. The hawks heard them and were really worried.

c.       Crisis/ Climax

The hawk was worried again when the hunters were lost eventhough osprey and turtoise had helped him. Then They were preparing to climb the tree to get the hawk babies.

d.      Falling action
Hawk flew to the jungle and called his third friend, the tiger. He immediately rushed towards the river bank.
e.       Resolution

The tiger reached the tree. Seeing the tiger, the hunters ran from there and never came back again.

4.      Point of View       : third singular person

5.      Theme                   : friendship

6.      Symbol                  : -

7.      Tone                      :  tighten, funny

8.      Massage                :

a.       It is very important to have at least a few friends
b.      Friendship is number one.
c.       True friend will be there for you, whenever you need.
d.      Help each other.

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