Senin, 11 Mei 2015

The Happiness

The happiness is like a shadow
Walking in the behind of you
looks sharpen then usual when the sun starts to leave  the earth
it never leaves exactly
just hidden to be a more actual

The happiness is like a bomb
explodes when the time is up
needs a best formula to be a horrified effect
needs a stimulus to react faster

The happiness is like a dream
abstract thing
cannot be seen and cannot be touched
but can be felt and can be created

Jumat, 08 Mei 2015


A.            Pengertian Kurikulum
Dalam PP No. 19 tahun 2005 tentang SNP dijelaskan bahwa kurikulum adalah seperangkat rencana dan pengaturan mengenai tujuan, isi, dan bahan pelajaran serta cara yang digunakan sebagai pedoman penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan tertentu (2007:3)
Senada dengan pengertian di atas, Oemar Hamalik (1990:32) menyatakan bahwa kurikulum adalah suatu alat yang amat penting dalam rangka merealisasi dan mencapai tujuan pendidikan sekolah. Dalam arti luas kurikulum dapat diartikan sesuatu yang dapat mempengaruhi siswa, baik dalam lingkungan sekolah maupun luar sekolah. Namun, kurikulum haruslah direncanakan agar pengaruhnya terhadap siswa benar-benar dapat diamati dan diukur hasilnya. Adapun hasil–hasil belajar tersebut haruslah sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan yang diinginkan, sejalan dengan nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh masyarakat, relevan dengan kebutuhan sosial ekonomi dan sosial budaya masyarakat, sesuai dengan tuntutan minat, kebutuhan dan kemampuan para siswa sendiri, serta sejalan dengan dengan proses belajar para siswa yang menempuh kegiatan-kegiatan kurikulum.
Kurikulum adalah perangkat mata pelajaran dan program pendidikan yang diberikan oleh suatu lembaga penyelenggara pendidikan yang berisi rancangan pelajaran yang akan diberikan kepada peserta pelajaran dalam satu periode jenjang pendidikan. Penyusunan perangkat mata pelajaran ini disesuaikan dengan keadaan dan kemampuan setiap jenjang pendidikan dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan tersebut serta kebutuhan lapangan kerja.[1]
Tak jauh berbeda dengan pendapat yang dikemukakan di atas, Soedijarto mengemukakan bahwa kurikulum adalah segala pengalaman dan kegiatan belajar yang direncanakan, diorganisasikan untuk ditaati para siswa untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang telah diterapkan untuk suatu lembaga pendidikan.
Dari beberapa pengertian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kurikulum merupakan seperangkat aturan yang berkaitan dengan tujuan, isi, dan bahan pelajaran yang disusun secara terencana  sebagai pedoman dalam pencapaian tujuan pendidikan serta disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan lapangan kerja.
B.            Asas- Asas Kurikulum
Guru, sebagai pengembang kurikulum dalam skala mikro, perlu memahami kurikulum dan asas-asas yang mendasarinya. Nasution menjelaskan bahwa ada empat asas yang mendasari pengembangan kurikulum[2]. Keempat asas tersebut adalah:
a.      Asas filosofis.
Sekolah sebagai lembaga pendidikan berperan dalam mendidik anak menjadi anak yang baik, tentunya tidak hanya menjadi anak yang baik di lingkungan sekolah saja, tetapi juga di lingkungan keluarga, negara, bahkan dunia. Kurikulum mempunyai hubungan yang erat dengan filsafat suatu bangsa terutama dalam menentukan pribadi manusia yang dicita-citakan, dalam hal ini melalui pendidikan formal. Asas filosofis dalam penyusunan kurikulum, berarti dalam penyusunan kurikulum hendaknya berdasar dan terarah pada falsafah bangsa yang dianut.  
Dalam penyusunan kurikulum di Indonesia yang harus diacu adalah filsafat pendidikan Pancasila. Filsafat pendidikan dijadikan dasar dan pedoman, sedangkan pelaksanaannya melalui pendidikan. Kurikulum yang dikembangkan harus mampu menjamin terwujudnya tujuan pendidikan nasional dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat.
Jadi, asas filosofis berkenaan dengan tujuan pendidikan yang sesuai dengan filsafat negara. Perbedaan filsafat suatu negara menimbulkan implikasi yang berbeda di dalam merumuskan tujuan pendidikan, menentukan bahan pelajaran dan tata cara mengajarkan, serta menentukan cara-cara evaluasi yang ditempuh. Apabila pemerintah bertukar, tujuan pendidikan akan berubah sama sekali. Di Indonesia, penyusunan, pengembangan, dan pelaksanaan kurikulum harus memperhatikan Pancasila, dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 sebagai landasan filosofis negara.
Nasution mengungkapkan dalam bukunya yang berjudul  Asas-Asas Kurikulum bahwa filsafat besar manfaatnya bagi kurikulum, yakni:[3]
1.      filsafat pendidikan menentukan arah ke mana anak-anak harus dibimbing. Sekolah ialah suatu lembaga yang didirikan oleh masyarakat untuk mendidik anak menjadi manusia dan warga negara yang dicita-citakan oleh masyarakat itu. Jadi, filsafat menentukan tujuan pendidikan.
2.      Dengan adanya tujuan pendidikan ada gambaran yang jelas tentang hasil pendidikan yang harus dicapai, manusia yang bagaimana yang harus dibentuk.
3.      Filsafat juga menentukan cara dan proses yang harus dijalankan untuk mencapai tujuan itu.
4.      Filsafat memberikan kebulatan kepada usaha pendidikan, sehingga tidak lepas-lepas. Dengan demikian terdapat kontinuitas dalam perkembangan anak.
5.      Tujuan pendidikan memberikan petunjuk apa yang harus dinilai dan hingga mana tujuan itu telah tercapai.
6.      Tujuan pendidikan memberi motivasi dalam proses belajar-mengajar, bila jelas diketahui apa yang ingin dicapai.

b.      Asas Psikologis
1.      Psikologi Anak
Sekolah sebagai institusi yang bergerak dibidang pendidikan didirikan untuk mengayomi  kepentingan anak, yakni menciptakan situasi-situasi yang memungkinkan anak dapat belajar mengembangkan bakatnya. Selama berabad-abad, anak tidak dipandang sebagai manusia yang lain daripada orang dewasa. Hal ini tampak dari kurikulum yang mengutamakan bahan, sedangkan anak “dipaksa” menyesuaikan diri dengan bahan tersebut dengan segala kesulitannya. Padahal anak mempunyai kebutuhan sendiri sesuai dengan perkembangannya. Pada permulaan abad ke-20, anak kian mendapat perhatian yang menjadi salah satu asas dalam pengembangan kurikulum.
Kemudian muncullah aliran progresif, yakni kurikulum yang semata-mata didasarkan atas minat dan perkembangan anak (child centered curiculum). Kurikulum ini dapat dipandang sebagai reaksi terhadap kurikulum yang diperlukan orang dewasa tanpa menghiraukan kebutuhan anak.
Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pengembangan kurikulum adalah:
·      Anak bukan miniatur orang dewasa
·      Fungsi sekolah diantaranya mengembangkan pribadi anak seutuhnya
·      Faktor anak harus benar-benar diperhatikan dalam pengembangan kurikulum
·      Anak harus menjadi pusat pendidikan atau sebagai subjek belajar dan bukan objek belajar
·      Tiap anak unik, mempunyai ciri-ciri tersendiri, lain dari yang lain. Kurikulum hendaknya mempertimbangkan keunikan anak agar ia sedapat mungkin berkembang sesuai dengan bakatnya
·      Walaupun tiap anak berbeda dari yang lain, banyak pula persamaan di antara mereka. Maka sebagian dari kurikulum dapat sama bagi semua.
            2. Psikologi Belajar
Pendidikan disekolah diberikan dengan kepercayaan dan keyakinan bahwa anak – anak dapat di didik. Anak – anak dapat belajar, dapat menguasai sejumlah pengetahuan, dapat mengubah sikapnya, dapat menerima norma- norma, dapat mempelajari macam – macam keterampilan. Kurikulum dapat di susun dan disajikan dengan jalan yang seefektif –efektifnya agar proses keberlangsungan belajar berjalan dengan baik.[4]
Teori belajar dijadikan dasar bagi proses belajar mengajar. Dengan demikian, ada hubungan yang erat antara kurikulum dan psikologi belajar juga psikologi anak. Karena hubungan yang sangat erat itu maka psikologi menjadi salah satu dasar kurikulum.[5]
Pentingnya penguasaan psikologi belajar dalam pengembangan kurikulum antara lain diperlukan dalam hal:
1.    Seleksi dan organisasi bahan pelajaran
2.    Menentukan kegiatan belajar mengajar yang paling serasi
3.    Merencanakan kondisi belajar yang optimal agar tujuan belajar tercapai. (Nasution, 2008:57)
Asas psikologi berarti kegiatan yang mengacu pada hal-hal yang bersifat psikologi. Manusia sebagai makhluk yang bersifat unitas multiplex yang terdiri atas sembilan aspek psikologi yang kompleks tetapi satu. Aspek-aspek tersebut dikembangkan dengan perantara berbagai mata pelajaran yang tercantum dalam kurikulum sebagai berikut:
1.   Aspek ketakwaan: Dikembangkan dengan kelompok bidang agama.
2.   Aspek cipta: Dikembangkan dengan kelompok bidang studi ekstra, sosial, bahasa, dan filsafat.
3.   Aspek rasa: Dikembangkan dengan kelompok bidang studi seni.
4.   Aspek karsa: Dikembangkan dengan kelompok bidang studi etika, budi pekerti, agama, dan PPKN.
5.  Aspek karya (kreatif): Dikembangkan melalui kegiatan penelitian, independen studi, dan pengembangan bakat.
6.   Aspek karya (keprigelan): Dikembangkan dengan berbagai mata pelajaran keterampilan.
7.   Aspek kesehatan: Dikembangkan dengan kelompok bidang studi kesehatan dan olahraga.
8.   Aspek sosial: Dikembangkan melalui kegiatan praktek lapangan, gotong royong, kerja bakti, KKN, PPL, dan sebagainya.
9.   Aspek karya: Dikembangkan melalui pembinaan bakat dan kerja mandiri.
c.  Asas Sosiologis 
Sosiologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang menyelidiki berbagai gejala sosial hubungan antar individu, golongan, lembaga sosial atau masyarakat. Dunia sekitar merupakan lingkungan hidup bagi manusia. Masyarakat merupakan kelompok manusia yang telah hidup dan bekerja sama hingga mereka mengatur diri mereka sendiri dan menganggap sebagai suatu kesatuan sosial.
Sekolah adalah institusi sosial yang didirikan dan ditujukan untuk memenuhi kepentingan dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Maka kurikulum sekolah dalam penyusunan dan pelaksanaan banyak dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan-kekuatan sosial yang berkembang dan selalu berubah di dalam masyarakat.
Dalam membina kurikulum, kita sering kali menemui kesulitan tentang bentuk-bentuk kebudayaan mana yang patut disampaikan serta kearah mana proses sosialisai tersebut ingin dikontruksi sesuai dengan tuntutan masyrakat. Masyarakat mempunyai norma-norma, ada kebiasaan yang mau tidak mau harus dikenal dan diwujudkan anak-anak dalam kelakuannya.
Dalam hal ini juga harus dijaga keseimbangan antara kepentingan  anak sebagai individu dengan kepentingan anak sebagai anggota masyarakat, dan ini dapat dicapai apabila dicegah kurikulum yang semata mata bersifat suciety-centered. Landasan sosial budaya ternyata bukan hanya semata-mata digunakan dalam mengembangkan kurikulum pada tingkat nasional, melainkan juga bagi guru dalam pembinaan kurikulum tingkat sekolah atau bahkan tingkat pengajaran.[6]
d.      Asas Organisatoris
Asas ini mengenai bentuk penyajian bahan pelajaran, yakni organisasi kurikulum. Ilmu jiwa asosiasi yang menganggap bahwa keseluruhan jumlah sebagian kurikulum merupakan mata pelajaran yang terpisah – pisah, yang mempunyai keuntungan dan juga kelemahan. Menurut Gestalt, prinsip keseluruhan mempengaruhi organisasi kurikulum yang telah di susun secara unit, tidak diadakan batasan antar mata pelajaran.[7]
Dilihat dari organisasinya, ada tiga kemungkinan tipe bentuk kurikulum:[8]
a.       Kurikulum yang berisi sejumlah mata pelajaran yang terpisah-pisah, (separatet subjec curriculum).
b.      Kurikulum yang berisi sejumlah mata pelajaran yang sejenis dihubung-hubungkan (correlated curiculum).
c.       Kurikulum yang terdiri dari peleburan semua / hampir semua maka pelajaran (integrated curriculum).
Pada seperated subjeck curriculum, bahan dikelompokkan pada mata pelajaran yang sempit, sehingga banyak jenismata pelajaran dan menjadi sempit ruang lingkupnya.sedangkan correlated curriculum mata pelajaran itu di hubungkan antara satu dengan yang lainya, sehingga tidak berdiri sendiri – sendiri pada separated subject curriculum dan ini dibuat sebagai reaksi terhadap kurikulum yang di anggap kurang sempurna. Pada integrated curriculum, kurikulum dipadukan secara menyeluruh dan dalam kesatuan, dan diharapkan dapat membentuk manusia yang utuh.

Nasution, S. 2008. Asas-asas Kurikulum. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Zein, Muhammad. 1991. Asas dan Pengembangan Kurikulum. Yogyakarta: Sumbangsih Offset. kurikulum/

[2] Nasution, S. 2008. Asas-asas Kurikulum. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. H 11-14
[3] Ibid., h. 28
[4] Muhammad Zein. 1991. Asas dan Pengembangan Kurikulum. Yogyakarta: Sumbangsih Offset., h. 22.
[5] S. Nasution.  1995. Asas – Asas Kurikulum. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara., h. 13.

[6] kurikulum/
[7] Muhammad Zein. 1991. Asas dan Pengembangan Kurikulum. Yogyakarta: Sumbangsih Offset., h.  23- 24
[8] Ibid.


.    The Definition of Language
According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, ”language is the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of a particular country or area.”[1] Ronald states that a language is what the members of a particular society speak.[2]
According to T. E. Hulme Language is by its very nature a communal thing; that is, it expresses never the exact thing but a compromise – that which is common to you, me and everybody.[3]
Based on the definitions above it can be conclude that language is a system of communication which is used by a particular society to expresses a compromise which is common to everybody.

B.     The definition of Sex (Gender)
A major topic in sociolinguistics is the connection, if any, between the structures, vocabularies, and ways of using particular languages and the social roles of the men and women who speak these languages.[4]
Some expert states that they prefer to use word gender than sex because “sex is to a very large extent biologically determined whereas gender is a social construct (but still one heavily grounded in sex, as we can see in recent publications that use the term ‘sexuality,’ e.g., Kulick, 2003, and Cameron and Kulick, 2003) involving the whole gamut of genetic, psychological, social, and cultural differences between males and females.” Ronald (2006: 315). Wodak (1997) in Ronald (2006:315) says that gender is ‘not . . . a pool of attributes “possessed” by a person, but . . . something a person “does.”.
Gender is also something we cannot avoid; it is part of the way in which societies are ordered around us, with each society doing that ordering differently.[5]  Language can be seen as just one of those conventionalised activities. This means that linguistic features that probabilistically differentiate female and male speakers are seen in a different light.[6]
C.    Manners of Male And Female Speech

a. Politeness

When we turn to certain grammatical matters in English, we find that Brend (1975) claims that the intonation patterns of men and women vary somewhat, women using certain patterns associated with surprise and politeness more often than men, Ronald (2006:321).  Politeness in speech is described in terms of positive and negative face.  Positive face refers to one's desire to be liked and admired, while negative face refers to one's wish to remain autonomous and not to suffer imposition.

b. Minimal responses[7]

One of the ways in which the communicative behavior of men and women differ is in their use of minimal responses, i.e., paralinguistic features such as ‘mhm’ and ‘yeah’, which is behaviour associated with collaborative language use. Men, on the other hand, generally use them less frequently and where they do, it is usually to show agreement, as Don Zimmerman and Candace West’s study of turn-taking in conversation indicates.
While the above can be true in some contexts and situations, studies that dichotomize the communicative behavior of men and women may run the risk of over-generalization. For example, "minimal responses appearing "throughout streams of talk", such as "mm" or "yeah", not only function to display active listening and interest and are not always signs of "support work", as Fishman (1978) claims. They can - as more detailed analysis of minimal responses show—signal understanding, demonstrate agreement, indicate scepticism or a critical attitude, demand clarification or show surprise". In other words, both male and female participants in a conversation can employ these minimal responses for interactive functions, rather than gender-specific functions.

     c. Questions

Men and women differ in their use of questions in conversations. For men, a question is usually a genuine request for information whereas with women it can often be a rhetorical means of engaging the other’s conversational contribution or of acquiring attention from others conversationally involved, techniques associated with a collaborative approach to language use. Therefore women use questions more frequently. In writing, however, both genders use rhetorical questions as literary devices. For example, Mark Twain used them in "A War Prayer" to provoke the reader to question his actions and beliefs. In ronald (2006:321), Lakoff says that women may answer a question with a statement that employs the rising intonation pattern usually associated with a question rather than the falling intonation pattern associated with making a firm statement.
According to Lakoff, women do this because they are less sure about themselves and their opinions than are men, e.g., ‘They caught the robber last week, didn’t they?’ These claims about tag questions and insecurity have been tested by others (Dubois and Crouch, 1975, Cameron et al., 1989, and Brower et al., 1979) and found wanting: experimental data do not necessarily confirm intuitive judgments.

d. Turn-taking

As the work of Victoria DeFrancisco shows, female linguistic behaviour characteristically encompasses a desire to take turns in conversation with others, which is opposed to men’s tendency towards centering on their own point or remaining silent when presented with such implicit offers of conversational turn-taking as are provided by hedges such as "y’ know" and "isn’t it". This desire for turn-taking gives rise to complex forms of interaction in relation to the more regimented form of turn-taking commonly exhibited by men.

e. Changing the topic of conversation

According to Bruce Dorval in his study of same-sex friend interaction, males tend to change subject more frequently than females. This difference may well be at the root of the conception that women chatter and talk too much, and may still trigger the same thinking in some males. In this way lowered estimation of women may arise. Incidentally, this androcentric attitude towards women as chatterers arguably arose from the idea that any female conversation was too much talking according to the patriarchal consideration of silence as a womanly virtue common to many cultures. Goodwin (1990) observes that girls and women link their utterances to previous speakers and develop each other topics, rather than introducing new topics.
Female tendencies toward self-disclosure, i.e., sharing their problems and experiences with others, often to offer sympathy, contrasts with male tendencies to non-self disclosure and professing advice or offering a solution when confronted with another’s problems.
Self-disclosure is not simply providing information to another person. Instead, scholars define self-disclosure as sharing information with others that they would not normally know or discover. Self-disclosure involves risk and vulnerability on the part of the person sharing the information. When it comes to genderlect, self-disclosure is important because genderlect is defined as the differences in male and female communication. Men and women they have completely different views of self-disclosure. It typically is much easier to get to know a woman than it is to get to know a man. It has been proven that women get to know someone on a more personal level and they are more likely to desire to share their feelings.

g. Verbal Aggression

Aggression can be defined by its three intersecting counterparts: indirect, relational and social. Indirect aggression occurs when the victim is attacked through covert and concealed attempts to cause social suffering. Examples are gossiping, exclusion or ignoring of the victim. Relational aggression, while similar to indirect, is more resolute in its attentions. It can be a threat to terminate a friendship or spreading false rumors. The third type of aggression, social aggression, "is directed toward damaging another’s self-esteem, social status, or both, and may take direct forms such as verbal rejection, negative facial expressions or body movements, or more indirect forms such as slanderous rumors or social exclusion." This third type has become more common in adolescent, both male and female, behavior.

D.    The Definition of Culture

According to Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary, culture is “The customs and beliefes, art, way of life and social organization of a particular country or group”.[8]
Middle English (denoting a cultivated piece of land): the noun from French culture or directly from Latin cultura 'growing, cultivation'; the verb from obsolete French culturer or medieval Latin culturare, both based on Latin colere 'tend, cultivate' (see cultivate). In late Middle English the sense was 'cultivation of the soil' and from this (early 16th century), arose 'cultivation (of the mind, faculties, or manners'); sense 1 of the noun dates from the early 19th century
In other hands, Culture is the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively, the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.
Street (1993b: 25; emphasis in the original) Culture is an active process of meaning making and contest over definition, including its own definition. This, then, is what I mean by arguing that Culture is a verb.
E.     Correlation between Language and Culture
Differences between the cultures of communities make it difficult or impossible for people to learn the language of another society? Languages evidently do differ in the way they symbolically reflect the world, that is, in the way they categorize or codify the experience of their speakers. As we have seen, the way they do this reflects the interests, needs, concerns and preoccupations of the community they serve.
Where language A has a single name for some phenomenon, language B has no such word and has to resort to periphrasis to express the same notion. German has the term “Gemütlichkeit”, English has to resort to a whole phrase or conjunction of terms, such as: kindly, easy-going, good-natured. The linguist would say that the semantic features which are realized in one language in one lexical item are in the other “syntaxmatically” distributed. The upshot of this discussion seems to be that languages vary, therefore, in the ease with which they permit codification. We can also note, that what is lexically coded in one language may require both lexical and grammatical means in another, since circumlocution involves grammatical relations.
 Following Weinreich (1966) it should be pointed out that language contact or contact of two languages might be considered as one of the aspects of culture contact. It is necessary to mention that the relationship between the field of language contact and the field of culture contact has not been properly defined yet. Anyway when two languages are usually brought into contact, idiosyncrasies in linguistic behaviour of speakers – representatives of different cultures – tend to cancel each other, while socially determined speech habits and processes characteristic of the cultures become significant. It is clear that when two languages come into contact the dominance of one of them is largely determined by the usefulness of this language, its role in social advance and its cultural value. “A culture, as a preference for certain modes of behaviour, involves a preference for certain personality structures rather than others” [Weinreich 1966: 215].
When a language-contact situation is examined in detail, the inter relation of cultural conditions and linguistic phenomena is apparent. In a great majority of contacts between groups speaking different languages, the groups constitute, at the same time, distinct ethnic or cultural communities. Situations of congruent culture-and-language contact seem to invite interference of a lexical-cultural type. The relationship of the cultures to one another in a particular geographic habitat determines what one group learns from the other and defines such gaps in the vocabulary of each group as may need filling by borrowing.
Thus culture contact naturally produces the diffusion of non-material as well as of material culture elements. The non-material side of culture is particularly significant in explaining not only the borrowing of abstract vocabulary, but the principles of selectivity and rejection of vocabulary.
 Hence said that language is a social institution it both shapes and is shaped by society in which it plays an important role. Language is not an “autonomous construct” [Fairclough 1989: VI] but social practice both creating and created by the structures and forces of the social institutions within which we live and function. Certainly, language cannot exist in a vacuum; there is a kind of “transfusion” between language and culture. Amongst those who have dilated upon the affinity between language and culture, it is Duranti who encapsulate show these two interpenetrate: “… to be part of a culture means to share the propositional knowledge and the rules of inference necessary to understand whether certain propositions are true (given certain premises).To the propositional knowledge, one might add the procedural knowledge to carry out tasks such as giving a formal speech, answering the phone, asking for a favor, writing a letter for a job application” [Duranti 1997: 28 - 29]. In such a way everyday language is “tinged” with cultural implications.
That language has a setting, in that the people who speak it belong to a race or races and is incumbents of particular cultural roles, is obvious. “Language does not exist apart from culture, that is, from the socially inherited assemblage of practices and beliefs that determines the texture of our lives” [Sapir 1970: 207]. In a sense, it is “a key to the cultural past of a society” [Salzmann 1998: 41], “a guide to “social reality” [Sapir 1929: 209, cited in Salzmann 1998: 41].Fairly recently, many ethnographers such as Buttjes (1990), Ochs &Schieffelin (1984), Poyatos, (1985), and Peters & Boggs, (1986) have attempted to show that “language and culture are from the start inseparably connected”. More specifically, he summarises the reasons why this should be the case:1)
To go back to the relationship between language and culture Samovar, Porter, & Jain [1981: 24] observe: “Culture and communication are inseparable because culture not only dictates who talks to whom, about what, and how the communication proceeds, it also helps to determine how people encode messages, the meanings they have for messages, and the conditions ad circumstances under which various messages may or may not be sent, noticed, or interpreted... the foundation of communication”. Moreover, given Duranti's [Duranti 1997: 24] definition of culture as “something learned, transmitted, passed down from one generation to the next, through human actions, often in the form of face-to-face interaction, and, of course, through linguistic communication”, it is obvious that language, albeit a subpart of culture, plays a pivotal role. Bourdieu has emphasized the importance of language not as an autonomous construct but as a system determined by various socio-political processes. For him, a language exists as a linguistic habitués [Bourdieu 1990: 52]: “… as a set of practices that imply not only a particular system of words and grammatical rules, but also an often forgotten or hidden struggle over the symbolic power of a particular way of communicating, with particular systems of classification, address and reference forms, specialized lexicons, and metaphors (for politics, medicine, ethics)” [Bourdieu1982: 31, cited in Duranti 1997: 45].At any rate, “… to speak means to choose a particular way of entering the world and a particular way of sustaining relationships with those we come in contact with. It is often through language use that we, to a large extent, are members of a community of ideas and practices”. Consequently, as a complex system of classification of experience and “an important window on the universe of thoughts” [Duranti 1997: 49], as a link between thought and behaviour and as “the prototypical tool for interacting with the world”
Bruner [1996: 3] says that “although meanings are “in the mind”, they have their origins and their significance in the culture in which they are created”. And he adds, “human beings do not terminate at their own skins; they are expressions of a culture” [Bruner 1990: 12].Furthermore, lexical and grammatical categories of a language have been assumed to determine how its speakers conceptualize the world around them. Let us consider the case of metaphors, “which have been analyzed as providing conceptual schemata through which we understand the world” [Duranti 1997: 64]. For example, the metaphor understanding is seeing will generate such expressions as “I see what you mean. To get the whole picture, I'll tell you…”, while the metaphor ideas are food establishes similarities across two different domains (thinking and eating) and generates the expression “It gives me food for thought”.
What is more, culture seems to have a grammar of its own, which superimposes itself upon, and is reflected in the language. “A grammar of culture consists of rules for the generation, of patterns of behaviour”[Howell & Vetter 1976: 376]. To achieve a deeper understanding of what the grammar of culture” really consists in, we should adduce the following example [Howell & Vetter 1976: 374]. When an American sees a bus coming, he almost always uses the present progressive (“the bus is coming”), in juxtaposition with a Japanese, who uses the present perfect (“the bus has come”). In this case, the difference between the two cultures lies in the conceptual organization of experience” [Henle 1970: 3] which they choose, or rather are conditioned, to adhere to. As has been intimated above, to a large extent, “… we can be conditioned to see and hear things in much the same way as we can be conditioned to perform overt acts as knee jerking, eye blinking, or salivating” [Bruner & Goodman 1947: 34, cited in Howell & Vetter 1976].Hence it is of no doubt that culture is a “muddied concept” [Hall 1981:20], elusive of any definitive definition, yet it is inextricably and implicitly related to language and society.
Based on argumentation above we can conclude that correlation of culture and language is necessary to mention that the relationship between the field of language contact and the field of culture contact has not been properly defined yet. Anyway when two languages are usually brought into contact, idiosyncrasies in linguistic behaviour of speakers – representatives of different cultures – tend to cancel each other, while socially determined speech habits and processes characteristic of the cultures become significant. It is clear that when two languages come into contact the dominance of one of them is largely determined by the usefulness of this language, its role in social advance and its cultural value.

A.    Conclusion
There are many differences between men’s language and women’s language. We can see that by Politeness side, minimal response side, Question side, Turn taking side, Changing the topic of conversation side, Self-disclosure side, Verbal aggression side.
Culture and language is necessary to mention that the relationship between the field of language contact and the field of culture contact has not been properly defined yet. Anyway when two languages are usually brought into contact, idiosyncrasies in linguistic behaviour of speakers – representatives of different cultures – tend to cancel each other, while socially determined speech habits and processes characteristic of the cultures become significant.

As Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010.
Miriam Mayerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, Routledge, New York, 2006.
Wardhaugh, Ronald, An introduction to sociolinguistics: fifth Edition, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2006

[1] As Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010, p. 834.
[2] Wardhaugh, Ronald, An introduction to sociolinguistics: fifth Edition, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2006, p. 1.
[3] Ibid., p. 23.
[4] Ibid., p. 315.
[5] ibid., 316.
[6] Miriam Mayerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, Routledge, New York, 2006, p. 206.
[8] As Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010, p. 357.

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