Minggu, 08 Februari 2015

Characteristics of principle-centered leaders

There are eight discernible characteristics of people who are principle-centered leaders.

1.  They are continually learning
Principle-centered people are constantly educated by their experiences. They red, they seek training, they take classes, they listen to others, they learn through both their eyes and ears. They are curious, always asking questions.

2. They are service- oriented
Those striving to be principle-oriented see life as a mission, not as a career. Their nurturing sources have armed and prepared them to service.

3. They radiate positive energy
Their attitude is optimistic, positive, and upbeat. Their spirit is enthusiastic, hopeful, believing.  This positive energy is like an energy field or an aura that surrounds them and that similarly changes or changes weaker, negative energy fields around them.

4. They believe in other people
They don’t build up when they discover the weaknesses of others. They are not naïve; they are aware of weakness. But they realize that behavior and potential are two different things.

5.  They lead balanced lives
They read the best literature and magazines and keep up with current affairs and events. They are active socially, having many friends and a few confidants. They are active intellectually, having many interests. They read, watch, observe, and learn. Within the limit age and health, they are active physically. They have a lot of fun. They enjoy themselves.

  6. They see life as an adventure
They rediscover people each time they meet them. They are interested in them. They ask questions and get involved. They are completely present when they listen. They learn from them. They don’t label them from past successes or failures. They see no one bigger than life.

7. They are synergistic
They are change catalysts. They improve almost any situation they get into. They work as smart as they work hard. They are amazingly productive, but in new and creative ways.

8.  They exercise for self-renewal
Finally, they regularly exercise the four dimensions of the human
Personality: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Example, they exercise their minds through reading, creative problem-solving, writing and visualizing. 

                                                        Source: principled-centered leadership by Stephen Covey

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